Friday, April 18, 2008

Blackberry Financier

I really really really love these cakes. I'm always shocked that they aren't more popular. I made them at work today and ate 3 but shhhhhhhh don't tell.

1lb Beurre noisette*, cooled
1 lb 2 oz Powdered sugar
5.5 oz flour
5 oz almond flour*
14.7 oz egg whites
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.
Spoon into cake pan or muffin pan. Press berries or fruit into the top of the batter.
Bake at 350 for about 40 mins. The tops will be a nice golden brown.
You can use any kind of berries or fruit.
*Beurre noisette is browned make cook butter over medium heat until it starts to turn brown in color.
*Almond flour is just finely ground almonds.
Gigi from gigi cakes made a different version of financiers that im gonna have to try. Check them out at

1 comment:

The Caked Crusader said...

Hooray! Someone else who shares my love of financiers/friands.
Why aren't they more popular??? This is one of the great questions of our time. Whenever I bake them they get eaten quicker than anything else.