Monday, October 1, 2007

Vanilla Ice Cream

This is my basic ice cream base to which i add many different flavorings.

8 oz egg yolks
12 oz sugar
2 pt milk
1 pt heavy cream
pinch salt
1 vanilla bean (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)

Combine milk and cream in a heavy bottomed saucepot. Scrape seeds out of vanilla bean. Add seeds and pod to cream mixture. Heat over medium heat until just barely at a simmer. Mix yolks, salt, and sugar. Add around a cup of the hot cream to the yolk mixture and mix well. Add yolk mix to the hot cream. Continue to cook until mixture has thickened slightly. Remove from heat. Strain mix in a very fine strainer. Chill mix. Turn in ice cream freezer.

For sage ice cream add 4 or 5 chopped fresh sage leaves to cream mixture before it is heated.

For caramilized banana ice cream : Take 6 oz brown sugar, 1 oz butter, 1 tsp cinnamon, and 2 bananas (sliced) and saute. Cook until the sugar has melted and bananas are cooked. Add 2 oz banana liqueur. Remove from heat and cool. Stir into ice cream after it has been turned.

Bailey's Ice Cream:
Take 3 cups Bailey's and cook until reduced to about 1 1/2 cups. Add to ice cream base.

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